Thursday, November 19, 2009


I don't know why the first pictures is so small. It is of me removing the door on the 53 Chevy truck. I don't know how many times I have removed and reinstalled the doors, the windows, the cranks, the seats, the door panels, the mirrors, yada yada. I get tired just thinking about it. WHEW....

Noone seems to know crap about these old trucks. You just have to dig in and don't be scared. Speaking of:

Now my brother in law Ron is not scared. Check him out. This man loves deer, literally. No kidding I have seem him dress up in a dog mask, rub his arse on a tree, moan "HERE DEER, WHOA DEER" all in an effort to hug a deer. Some people are tree huggers others are-- well you get the picture. Speaking of pictures, what up with the "U CAN'T TOUCH" this BRA shot? Must be a kodak moment. He is very sensitive so I better not say a whole lot about this picture. I wonder why he sent me this picture anyway?

And then here we are at the Lavender festival in Blanco, Texas. The one in the "I'M LOOKING FOR A SUGAR DADDY" sunglasses is married to the one wearing the BRA. She ain't rite. But she has a kind heart and a sweet spirit about her. Thank GOD she is so shy and all..... NOT !! However, she does seem to share my sense of humor.. Explains why she ain't rite.

And last are pictures of the grand kids, me daughter and her husband. Me daughter messed around and married her first cousin. I guess she did not want to change her last name. Also, explains why the grandson keeps saying Uncle Daddy all the time.  He already has an attention span problem.

1 comment:

  1. OMG you gotta love it .... I can't stop laughing....and i needed a good ole belly laugh, Thanks my brother.
