Monday, March 22, 2010


I'm not sure the nerve block is a working. I had no pain for 48 hours and then it trickled back in. But it is still better than it was last December. I am not as depressed and at least I know I can go back on the pill. Like everyone else in the USA today I need work. Those who have a job should be thankful and blessed.

Them is some white legs!!

Damn!! Skinny!! Hair!! Damn!! Mustashe!! Damn!!

Bring it on !!!

Kyla is now 11 years old. No more TIN MAN teeth.. BOO HOO...

Some people are always happy :)

Thank GOD some things never change !

As promised Hatts 53 CHEVY

Thursday, March 11, 2010

UPDATE 3.11.10

Like everyone else I am getting older. Had my first nerve block two weeks ago and scheduled for another one today at 2 pm. This is my last resort before I succumb to pills for the rest of my life. But it is better than the depression and the pain. I have been excommunicated from the 53 CHEVY. Deb says everytime I drive it something breaks. I guess she just doesn't understand the truck is like me; the older it gets the more it breaks down. But then again it is her truck. :)

Some are diggers
                                                     are pluckers
Some are incognito

Some are pickers

   Some are swingers                                                                                                  
Some never get tired
Of digging either!!